Hello Qwerty,
I live on the south coast, so yes, a little way from you.
Isn't it great to learn that there are others out there who are also experiencing the same problems leaving the org?
Enlighted UK
Enjoy your life, it is the only one you'll have
man it's good to be home, relaxed and de-stressing right now!
how many times today, i just wanted to say aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!
at my circuit's one-day assembly.
Hello Qwerty,
I live on the south coast, so yes, a little way from you.
Isn't it great to learn that there are others out there who are also experiencing the same problems leaving the org?
Enlighted UK
Enjoy your life, it is the only one you'll have
seems the jws are getting desprate for recruits, an article from a localpaper....... http://www.hartlepoolmail.co.uk/news/story3.html thought you all would be interested!
To SixofNine
You say you let your daughter go the Kingdom HAll with her grandmother??
Your daughter will be making friends with those she meets at the Hall.
What do you think will happen when she reaches an age to make a decision for herself, and decides that it is not for her, or that she want's to go to University and doesn't want to Pioneer. Or that maybe whatever career she chooses will mean missing meetings??
If it is anything like my experience, "friends" made at the Hall won't even LOOK at me know, even though I am not DA or DF. Without support from my parents (also ex-JW/ex-Elder) I would not have been able to make the break - but it is still very very hard to live with the shunning that is so active.
I refuse to allow my daughter to go through the same thing.
JW will welcome all new ones with open arms, but discard old ones with a kick! Remember that.
It is good that your daughter will have you for support when she needs it.
Enjoy your life - it is the only one you'll have.
seems the jws are getting desprate for recruits, an article from a localpaper....... http://www.hartlepoolmail.co.uk/news/story3.html thought you all would be interested!
I can remember doing the same thing when I was a JW, thinking I was being so spiritual, zealous etc etc to witness to a child.
Now as a mum (and ex-JW) of a 3 year old, I defy anyone, even my in-laws and my husband (nominal to please the in-laws JW) to say a word about the organisation and all the lies it stands for. My husband has never argued with me on this point (so we know how much he believes it!!) His sister decided to stop going to meetings, and her family turned against her, and only started talking to her again when my husband "had a little chat with his mother and brother (an elder)!" What a loving family. And they are not alone in the organisation for doing this.
It is a dangerous organisation for any child to be brought up in, because if, as you grow up you decide you can't believe any of it, you are disowned by your former "associates" (I won't say friends) for having a mind of your own, even if you are not shoving your beliefs in their faces all the time.
Enjoy your life - it is the only one you'll have.
...that the watchtower bible & tract society really is jehovah god's earthly organisation.... wouldn't that make you all "vessels made fit for destruction" (romans 9:22 - 24) by being opposers of jehovah god and his true organisation?.
just making this warning so you can't complain to jehovah god when his "fear-inspiring day" (joel 2:11) comes that you weren't told.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
this message has been brought to you by the watchtower bible & tract society.
To ApostleAK
Remember all those WT articles - dismissing other religious leaders because they lie to their congregations - can't get it right, congregation numbers falling?
The WTB&TS have been prophesying about the end of the world since 1874 - trouble is they keep coming up with different dates. If they are God's org on earth and the faithful and discreet slave, they would get it right the first time.
If you ordered a vacuum cleaner from a company - they said we'll deliver it on the 1st, no the 5th, no the 11th, no the 17th, and you never receive you order. You'd jump up and down right??
That is exactly what we are doing - because the WTB&TS are messing with peoples lives - not just their vacuum cleaners.
Enjoy your life - it is the only one you'll have.
man it's good to be home, relaxed and de-stressing right now!
how many times today, i just wanted to say aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhh!!!!
at my circuit's one-day assembly.
"The speaker was E.Funk. He had an annoying habit of repeating the same point or detail over several times in different words. And trying to drive home the point of his talk by asking at least 20 times during the hour, "what is the name of my talk?" "
Should someone with senile dementia be allowed on a big platform on his own. Did he remember the way down??
my elderly mother was hospitalized twice since january, and received blood transfusions both times.
she is alive today because of this life-giving treatment.
i donated blood last week (the first time) for the following reasons:.
I faded away from the org 6 months ago - the best thing I have ever done!!
I have not given blood - yet, although I have been considering this. My leaving the org started because of the blood issue - I now realise that other issues the WT say are true are lies as well, it has helped to reinforce what I thought.
Yes there are problems associated with blood, but I have had reason to speak to a senior paediatric cardiothoracic surgeon who told me that he doesn't like using blood because of the risks involved, but in some circumstances there are no other alternatives.
I am more likely to believe him than I am a frustrated window-cleaner in the writing department at the org at Brooklyn.
A survey was carried out involving 300 UK hospitals regarding blood transfusions. 69.1% of problems involving blood were caused by patients being given the wrong blood type in the first place - not because of any disease in the blood itself. This problem could occur with medication, allergies to food etc.
You also have to weigh up the risks involved - when a patient is critically ill, which is the greater risk? The patient dying due to low haemoglobin levels, bleeding profusely etc?? Or the patient contracting a disease from blood given??
When will the WT society learn that each individual has the right to make up his own mind regarding his own treatment.
I left the org because of this issue - I am not DA or DF, my in-law family have not asked why I stopped going, and still they shun me.
I believe the organisation is contravening the Human Rights Act.
Article 9 "Freedom of thought, conscience and religion" - (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedome to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in the community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. (2) Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Article 10 - Freedom of expression. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
Could Article 3 be applied here?? - Prohibition of torture : No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Could Article 3 be used because you are shunned for holding your own views and opinions which are allowed under Articles 9 and 10??
I am amazed the Society hasn't been taken to court more often, as in in the case of Khristiansko Sdruzhenie v Bulgaria (Application No 28626/95.
Are there any good lawyers out there spoiling for a fight???
deceptive jw elders case#6 .
jw elders can be, and often are, deceptive in how they smear the names and events concerning former jws, especially where alleged apostasy is involved.. when i moved to a particular congregation, i was at first very impressed with the good camaraderie and the help we were given in getting settled.
the congregation was far more outgoing and often held events at a public park where they gathered to enjoy barbecue, swimming, sports, etc.
I didn't realise they provided so much "special security" for the speakers and those from GB. Is this to prevent the general convention goers getting to the speakers............ or to prevent the speakers talking to the them!!
Or just security for all those flowers by(on?)the platform!
looking back over many years of prayers, i cannot pinpoint any time when i felt, unequivocally, that i had received a personal response to my prayers.
can anyone here relate any experiences where you have felt that god answered prayers for you?
If you think God personally answers prays - think about this situation:
My daughter (2 weeks old) was critically ill after undergoing a cardiac catheter procedure. The medical team said they could give certain medication to ensure saving the limb but would require consent to a blood transfusion because of the effects of the medication. At that point I was still a believing JW. We prayed and worried and prayed and worried!! The Hospital Liaison committee were contacted, but proved a total waste of time. Medical staff realised our position (and also that if push came to shove a court order could take the decision out of our hands and into that of the court and proper treatment could be given), and decided to proceed with medication without our signed consent (thank goodness they did). My daughter survived, with a (still) malformed heart/lungs and all limbs.
When I returned to the congregation, responses were "it was because you prayed - Jehovah was with you, he made sure (daughter) was alright".
Now if that was true, and Jehovah was literally helping my daughter and allowing blood to circulate as it should, allowing heart to beat more easily etc, don't you think he would have been in the theatre preventing the problem ocurring in the first place?? Or come to that preventing my daughter, along with millions of others being born with physical defects?? Or is it the fact that he picks and chooses who he wants to save and when (think of all WT articles when children/adults have died because of refusing a transfusion).
Some people are just too quick to explain all good endings as "Jehovah/Holy Spirit was there etc etc", and dismiss all bad endings.
At that point I realised that God is not as "involved" in human affairs as the WT like to think - and guess what? They have got it wrong again!!
I no longer go to the meetings - I can't stand the hypocrisy.
(here is an article that russell &c wrote the year 1884 in zion's watchtower):.
our name.. new readers in all parts of the country are constantly inquiring:.
by what name do you call yourselves?
Look at the WT&B Society track record - always having to make changes in policy, beliefs etc. What about Christmas, Birthdays and more importantly Blood transfussions. Don't you think that if God had decided to use one organisation on earth in order to teach mankind, he would make sure they understood his instructions the first time??
From the way the society has to backtrack/change all the time, I don't believe they really are "God's organisation on earth".
Just my thoughts.
i have a question about the infamous blood issue, which i am sure will be very easy for some people to answer.. in the bible, niv, nwt, kj or whatever, the line, '...you should abstain from blood...' is taken literally by the witnesses and they do not take into account other scriptures whilst reading it.. what other scriptures are there in the bible to support the theory that the writer's intended meaning was not to take it literally?
so, in other words, i have argued with jws that it means to not drink blood as there were no iv needles around then to inject the blood into the veins.
but are there any other scriptures to back this up?.
Reply to You Know:
I hear what you saying regarding risks of disease carried by blood.
However.... I have been personally informed by a senior paediatric cardiothoracic surgeon working in a top London hospital that "he does not like using blood because of the risks involved. But in some circumstances there are no other alternatives". When someone is critically ill, you must weigh up whether there is greater risk from the physical illness or from possibly infected blood.
A survey was conducted in the UK this year, 300 hospitals participated, and 69.1% of problems experienced after transfusing blood were caused by the patient being transfused the wrong type of blood in the first place - not by any infection. That is human error and could occur with medication etc.